Wisconsin Bill to Count Only Write-ins for Declared Candidates

On October 14, seven Wisconsin legislators introduced AB 419. It provides that write-in votes should only be counted for candidates who file a campaign finance statement. The bill makes an exception for offices for which no one’s name is printed on the ballot.

Candidates who have no contributions or expenditures are still free to file a campaign finance statement. But if they do have contributions or expenditures, they must choose a campaign treasurer.

AB 419 has a hearing in the House Committee on Campaigns and Elections on October 16. Wisconsin already requires write-in presidential candidates to file a notice if they want their write-ins counted. But, current law for office other than president requires that all write-ins be counted. The purpose behind AB 419 is probably to save election administrators the costs of counting write-ins for people who are not running, or who do not exist, such as famous cartoon characters. Thanks to Rick Kissell for this news.


Wisconsin Bill to Count Only Write-ins for Declared Candidates — No Comments

  1. 14th Amdt, Sec. 2 is still in the nearly dead USA Const.

    right to vote – denied or abridged, etc.

  2. @DemoRep – most of the time the vote counters don’t actually tabulate write-in votes for all names written in, this type of declaration helps the vote counters know which write-in candidates to count vote for.

  3. This seems like a fairly reasonable bill. Saves the state some money while still protecting write-in votes for legitimate candidates. One wonders, however, why those names can’t just be listed on the ballot instead of making people write them in?

    And yes, I will admit to having written in a few famous cartoon characters. In my defense, I think Daffy Duck would make one hell of a prothonotary.

  4. In counting all votes, how do they not know if Michael “Mickey” Mouse is a real person or not, perhaps someone who legally changed his name to that.
    After all, there was a Santa Claus of Incline Village, NV, who received several write-in votes from various states for President. Of course, Mr. Claus did file the necessary paperwork.
    As long as the change is advertised, so that people know that they have to file, then I don’t see anything wrong with it either (or am I missing something here).

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