Marianne Williamson Will Run for Congress as an Independent

Marianne Williamson, well-known California author, has announced that she will be an independent candidate for the 33rd U.S. House district in western Los Angeles County. See this story. Because California doesn’t permit independent candidates to use that label on the ballot, unless they are running for President, her ballot label will be “Party preference: none”.


Marianne Williamson Will Run for Congress as an Independent — No Comments

  1. Richard, why can’t see use “prefers independent” or “prefers nonpartsian” or something like that?

  2. The supporters of Prop. 14 wrote the implementing legislation to take away the ability of independent candidates to use that label. They can only have “party preference: none.” A lawsuit was filed in state court in 2011 on behalf of an independent candidate who wanted “independent.” The lawsuit lost, and the supporters of Prop. 14 then persuaded another judge (who had not even been involved with the case originally) to require the plaintiffs to pay them $243,000 in attorneys fees. The plaintiffs (I was one of them) appealed the attorneys fee matter. The supporters of Prop. 14 then said they would settle for $100,000 if the appeal would be dropped, and the six plaintiffs took the deal, but we feel it was very unjust and we have asked the intervenor to repay the money, which would be easy to do since the chief intervenor is one of the richest men in California. His campaign finance report in 2012 showed that he spent over $42,000,000 on campaign contributions and independent expenditures for candidates and ballot measures.

  3. Your co-plaintiffs claimed that they wished to be the candidates of the Reform Party and some other party, but by the time the case was before the Superior Court your attorney was arguing that they really wanted to be “independent”. Particularly with respect to the Reform Party candidate, which was once qualified, and has consistently attempted to re-qualify it is ridiculous to claim that they wanted to be listed as an independent.

    If your co-plaintiffs had wanted to get on the ballot as independent congressional candidates, under the pre-proposition-14 regime it would have required 1000s of signatures. Remember that for someone who first voted in 1964, there had only been 12 independent congressional candidates from 1964-2010 in over 1000 races.

    Had your co-plaintiffs chosen a more effective lawyer, they would have argued against the Secretary of State’s misinterpretation of SB 6.

  4. Why doesn’t Marianne go for the whole enchilada ?
    Our first President George Washington ran and won as an Independent !

    I would love to see Marianne Williamson win the next presidential election as our first’ Woman President of These United States Of America !’
    I’m just sayin !!!
    What say you ?

  5. yes Karmen , i see it happening in a the near future. Marianne Williamson , president . 🙂

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