See this story about an NBC/Wall Street Journal Poll released on October 30. There are many interesting findings, including the finding that 30% of the public wants to vote for a minor party, new party, or independent, for Congress, in the next election.
Have ANY of the genius pollsters heard about P.R. ???
— used in some CIVILIZED regimes — Germany, Israel, New Zealand
— unlike the STONE AGE ANTI-Democracy minority rule gerrymander regimes in the U.S.A. – Federal, State and Local.
Attention pollsters – current regimes math –
1/2 votes x 1/2 pack/crack gerrymander areas = 1/4 [or less] de facto control = OLIGARCHS — with lots of tyrant monarchs lurking under rocks – Prezs, Guvs, Mayors, etc.
Boy would I love to be a fly on the wall at a NOTA caucus meeting!
Now the trick will be if 30% of actual voters actually voted outside the two major parties. Until that happens, these kinds of polls will remain meaningless.
With a potential opening like this, ‘third parties’ need either lots of money or a gimmick. Either of these two things will increase visibility and recognition from the general public. Unless there’s a sea change in the way the money gets distributed, what we need is a gimmick. ‘A Separate Election’, held to coincide with the next General Election, is just such a gimmick. We could conduct it according to PR rules and it could go on for a week, both online and in person, and it could demonstrate how truly democratic elections could be held in this country.
Unfortunately the best part is…that they won’t. Every year polls like this are released, but (generally) less than 2-3% does.