Political Scientist Explains Why National Democratic and Republican Parties Have So Much Trouble Controlling Presidential Primary Dates

Seth Masket, a political scientist who studies political parties, here discusses why the national Democratic and Republican Parties have so much trouble trying to enforce the type of presidential primary calendar they prefer. Masket concludes that depriving state parties of their delegates isn’t much of a threat. Ordinary delegates to Democratic and Republican Parties really have very little power.


Political Scientist Explains Why National Democratic and Republican Parties Have So Much Trouble Controlling Presidential Primary Dates — 2 Comments

  1. The U.S.A. regime has been an EVIL monarchy/oligarchy since 1789.

    i.e. the LAWLESS top gangsters doing what THEY want.

    Abolish the Electoral College
    Uniform definition of Elector.
    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

    Otherwise – Civil WAR II is very near — the LOOTERS vs the Tax Slaves.

  2. This begs the question of why are the tax payers paying not only for the internal functions of a private organization, it’s an organization that doesn’t even do anything.

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