Alan S. Reynolds has filed to run for Lieutenant Governor of California. He is registered into Americans Elect, so that label will be on the ballot next to his name in the June 2014 primary. He has been endorsed by the Reform Party, which is not ballot-qualified. Here is his campaign web page.
If AB 2351 passes as it is currently written, and if Reynolds gets at least 2% in the June primary, that will keep Americans Elect on the ballot for the next four years. Its position on the ballot could be important in the 2016 presidential race.
So far, there are also at least four Democrats running for Lieutenant Governor, at least one Republican, and a Green. Jim King, of the American Independent Party, may file, but he has not done so yet. The deadline for filing is March 7. Candidates must pay the filing fee and submit 65 signatures of registered voters, but the party affiliation of the signers is immaterial.
Richard Winger,
When and where did you get information that Jim King may run for
Lt. Government?
Could that be the same Jim King that appointed me as Orange
County Chairman of the American Independent Party in 2004?
Is that the same Jim King that appointed Cody Quirk as the
Riverside County Chairman of the American Independent Party
in 2004?
Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg,
Vice Chairman, American Independent Party of California
I believe it is, Mark.
Cody Quark
Do you know is Jim King still hanging around Ventura
Does that mean Jim King is not one of the 355
CP folks in California of Don Grundmann? The last
time I saw Jim King was in Arizona in 2010.
New topic. I am planning to have an AIP 50
Dinner in Bakersfield, CA in 2017. I note
that Dan Hansen agreed with Bill Shearer that
the mascot should be an American Buffalo.
I think AIP should add the Buffalo with the Eagle
as party mascots. We can have a bird and the buffalo.
In fact I think we can have a Gator and Dino in the
mix. That would make William Shearer very happy.
Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg
Is the Democratic Party qualified to participate in the primary for election of Superintendent of Public Instruction or county supervisor?
If you want to Mark.
So which offices are you going to be running AIP candidates for?
If AB 2351 passes as is, on what date will the current 1/15 of 1% registration total requirement for the party be taken from?
AB 2351 has no effect on the 1/15th of 1% registration test. The bill doesn’t amend section 5101.
In California we have Top Two only. There is no AIP
primary this year. It will not be till 2016 that there
will be an AIP Primary Election.
It was good to have seen you in Las Vegas on Saturday
last. I did have a short talk with the Nat’l Chairman
of CP there. He told me that the events in Concord, NH
against Michael in December, 2006 was news to him, viz., lock out.
He also told me it was news to him that Michael was running for public office currently in Maryland.
Richard Winger,
I do not believe Charles Deemer is asking about California Election Code section 5101. His question relates to California Election Code section 5153. He want to know about the Presidential Election in 2016. Please answer his question as it relates to section 5153 only?
By my count in the 2016 General Election was held
on December 31, 2013 figures the registration
requirement would be set at 11,734 electors. That
figure will change by 15 days before the November,
2016 election.
The current figure of electors with a party preference of the Constitution Party of California stands at 355 on December 31, 2013.
Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg,
Vice Chairman, American Independent Party of California.
Charles Deemer,
Your question was a good one. If AB 2351 passed that
would set the figure is one took the voter registration at the level of December 31, 2013 at party preference electors at 58,279 electors. However that figure will change by 2016.
Richard Winger my be wrong on the test for the Americans Elect staying on the ballot. If AB 2351 passes the law would not go into effect until January 1, 2015. That would be to late to help the status
of the Americans Elect Party. However, if it passes
it should keep the Peace & Freedom, Green, and Libertarian Parties on the ballot if using the December 31, 2013 elector figures. The P & F
has 76,368. The Green has 108,785. The Libertarians
have 112,527. That is because it changes the registration to party preference from party affiliation would take place under AB 2351. If AB 2351 does not pass, I expect the P&F, Green, and
Libertarian parties will not have the number of Electors to stay qualified after the review by the
SofS just after the General Election in 2014. That
is because current law only covers electors that made
an affiliation with a political party and not just
a party preference. Currently the affiliates are
those registered on or prior to December 31, 2010
or those electors after that date using the HAVA
registration form giving a party affiliation.
Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg,
Vice Chairman, American Independent Party of California