On March 4, the Utah House Committee on Political Subdivisions passed HB 410. This bill, introduced by Representative Jon Cox (R-Ephraim) would instruct the Lieutenant Governor (who functions as the head of Utah election administration) to set the date of the presidential primary earlier than any other state’s presidential primary or caucus.
The bill also permits the presidential primary to be conducted as an on-line primary. This would be cheaper than an ordinary public election, and also provide for flexibility when the state sets the date. New Hampshire is famous for not setting the date of its presidential primary until shortly before the actual date of the primary, and has a similar law, mandating that it hold the first primary. Thanks to Josh Putnam of FrontloadingHQ for this news.
Abolish the super dangerous time bomb Electoral College — the plaything of the EVIL moron robot party hacks in all 50 gerrymander States.
Thus the MORON NH-UT loop earliest law stuff.
P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.
How did New Hampshire manage to not have to pre-clear these late changes in election procedure?