Young Americans for Liberty Sues University of Georgia Over Limits on First Amendment Activity, Including Petitioning, on Campus

On May 1, Young Americans for Liberty sued various officials of the University of Georgia at Athens, over the campus restrictions on First Amendment activity on campus. University rules say free speech activity, including petitioning, must be confined to two tiny areas on campus that include only one-tenth of 1% of the square area of the campus.

Other areas of the campus may be used, but only if students request a permit at least 48 hours in advance. Even in the two small “free expression areas”, permission must be obtained. The case is Young Americans for Liberty at the University of Georgia v Morehead, U.S. District Court, middle district, 3:14cv-39. The University is public, not private. Here is the Complaint. Page 12 says the group would like to circulate petitions, among other activities.


Young Americans for Liberty Sues University of Georgia Over Limits on First Amendment Activity, Including Petitioning, on Campus — No Comments

  1. What New Age government in the USA is NOT full of ANTI-freedom control freak STATISTS ???

    Sue for $$$ DAMAGES — bankrupt the bastard statists.

  2. Good for them. I’m sick and tired of universities/colleges restricting 1st amendment rights. This is a big problem in this country. Universities/colleges should be bastions of free speech.

  3. It would be helpful to the YAL to look at a case I was a party
    in called Carl Olson et al v. Automobile Club of Southern California. Tom Burke (Libertarian Party of Los Angeles) was
    one of our attorneys.

    I went to Disneyland (paid admission) so I could pass out
    literature there, since the AUTOMOBILE CLUB OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA had an office at Main Street of Disneyland, Anaheim,
    CA. Security at Disneyland told me to stop passing out campaign literature at that “park”. I said no. They called
    the police. I showed them the TRO against the Auto Club
    issued by a judge of the Superior Court. Police left said
    it was a civil matter, viz., the TRO was clear.

    Bottom line is get a TRO from a judge to continue to exercise
    free speech.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Vice Chairman,
    American Independent Party of California

  4. Mark, could you tell us the date of the TRO (or at least the year), and maybe the case number? Thank you.

  5. What was the significance of the Automobile Club of California having an office at Disney Land? Did this make the location fit the definition of a public forum?

  6. The Board Members were running for re-election. ACSC
    had office on Main Street in Disneyland. This gave the
    us the right to pass out literature over the objections
    of the managers of Disneyland.

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