Executive Directors of Louisiana Republican Party and Democratic Party Explain How Campaign Finance Laws Burden State Political Parties

Jason Dore, executive director of the Louisiana Republican Party, and Stephen Handwerk, executive director of the Louisiana Democratic Party, have this column in The Advertiser, daily newspaper in Lafayette, Louisiana. The column explains how federal campaign finance laws inhibit state … Continue reading

California State Appeals Court Says Secretary of State is not Obliged to Investigate Presidential Candidate Qualifications

On July 21, 2014, the California State Appeals Court, Third District, again ruled that the Secretary of State does not have the duty to check the qualifications of presidential candidates before placing them on the ballot. Dummett v Bowen, C073763. … Continue reading

Independent South Dakota Gubernatorial Candidate Files Lawsuit on Substituting a New Lieutenant Governor Running Mate

On August 4, independent gubernatorial candidate Michael Myers of South Dakota filed a federal lawsuit against the Secretary of State. The purpose of the lawsuit is to let Myers replace his original Lieutenant Governor running mate with a new candidate. … Continue reading