Three-Party Georgia Gubernatorial, U.S. Senate Debates on Tuesday, October 7

The Georgia ballot-listed candidates for Governor will debate each other on the evening of October 7, shortly after the completion of a similar U.S. Senate debate. The two debates includes the nominees of the Republican, Democratic, and Libertarian Parties. See this story.


Three-Party Georgia Gubernatorial, U.S. Senate Debates on Tuesday, October 7 — 1 Comment

  1. I know I shouldn’t feel this way, but I pray and hope Democrat Jason Carter does not win the Governorship of Georgia. I’m willing to give Michelle Nunn the U.S. Senate seat, if it would mean that Jason Carter is defeated.

    One may ask why? Because if Jason Carter is elected, he would be a pragmatic choice for Hillary Clinton’s VP who is (unless Providentially hindered otherwise)going to be the 2016 Democratic nominee. And she is most likely going to win.

    Jason Carter, in my opinion, is as liberal as his Grandfather – Jimmy Carter. And a Clinton-Carter ticket would carry more southern states than one would care to think.

    I pray future history proves me wrong.

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