British broadcasters are already thinking about the Prime Ministerial debates in advance of the May 7, 2015 general election. See this story, which says that an initial proposal is for one debate between the two major parties, but other debates that include certain other parties. Thanks to Thomas Jones for the link.
They all fear the UKIP. But then again, its depends on how the youth of Great Britain feel and act over the next 25 to 50 years. Most of us will most likely not be around to find out – at least be here on this earth.
I may be wrong. Over the course of my 70 years (taking exception for the 1st 15 or so years when I didn’t take politics as serious)I have witnessed many changes. There were some changes which occurred I didn’t think would occur. And there were some predicted changes which never came about.
So one can only speculate. We’ve seen 3rd or new parties come and go just in the 200 plus years of U.S. history. Only future history will record where and which parties will be in 2050.
I would be very interested in seeing the BBC’s “objective data” used to suggest the UKIP’s leaders inclusion.
If you look at votes per candidate run in the 2010 election then the following political parties had more votes per candidate than the UKIP. British National Party, Scottish National Party, Sein Fein and Democratic Ulster Party.