Bangor Daily News Carries Op-Ed by Maine Legislator, Advocating Ranked-Choice Voting

The Bangor Daily News has this op-ed by Maine State Representative Diane Russell. She advocates ranked-choice voting for Maine. Thanks to Rob Richie for the link.


Bangor Daily News Carries Op-Ed by Maine Legislator, Advocating Ranked-Choice Voting — 2 Comments

  1. I went to the article and an ad said I had to click a google link in order to read past the first paragraph.

    Google derived from my logo joogle in 1997, three years after the USA Parliament was founded and they turned all search traffic away from my site several weeks after the announced their new name.

    Does anyone else have an issue with this or is it just me?
    I couldn’t bring myself to read more by clicking their advertisement.

    Do you want to read about a national Unity Coalition of people who have worked since 1995 for pure proportional representation?

    Get the latest update on our team’s Unity Coalition progress by clicking the following link:

    Sign up today and be part of the USA Parliament’s synchronized effort! We’ve been using the correct voting system for unity since 1995 and we still use the same Sainte-Lague parliament seat distribution system, ranked choice voting (RCV) in multi-winner districts, Hagenbach-Biscoff method, which is the only mathematical way to unite with perfection.

  2. I too see what Jim is speaking ref he link. I don’t care for “lead ons” or whatever they are called.

    But speaking of “Ranked Choice Voting,” I doubt most voters in this country even know what it is (and I don’t fully understand it) or would subscribe to it if they did understand it.

    Maybe the next generation of voters, but most voters are still like me – they vote either for people or for a party.

    I think we ought to continue to educate the voters of how 3rd parties and Independents are still denied equal footing on the ballot in most states, rather than confuse them with different types of voting systems. Our plate is full in just getting this message to them.

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