Independent in U.S. House Race in Maine is Polling Ahead of the Republican

According to this story, a poll for the Maine U.S. House race, First District, shows that although the Democratic incumbent is far in the lead, the independent in the race is outpolling the Republican nominee. The results are: Democrat Chellie Pingree 51.4%; independent Richard Murphy 10.4%; Republican Isaac Misiuk 8.7%; undecided 29.5%. Thanks to Thomas MacMillan for the link.


Independent in U.S. House Race in Maine is Polling Ahead of the Republican — 1 Comment

  1. Go Richard Murphy! Not pulling but 10% in the polling, but it must be a weak Republican who is only pulling just over 8%.

    Hope Murphy comes in a stronger 2nd on election night, but with the 29% Undecided, it might not be. There are some voters who think voting for a Independent (or a 3rd party nominee) is wasting their vote. But why is that their vote is not considered “wasted” if it is cast for a losing Democrat or a losing Republican? Talk about a “double standard.”

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