Maine Inititiative Petition for Ranked-Choice Voting Will Start Circulating Next Month

Two Maine state legislators are sponsoring an initiative petition for ranked-choice voting for gubernatorial elections. The petition drive will begin immediately after the November 4, 2014 election. See this story. The first line of the story describes the move as a “referendum”, but it is obviously an initiative. A referendum asks voters if they wish to retain or repeal a new law that had just passed a legislature.

The state that has come closest to using ranked-choice voting for state office is Vermont, but even though the legislature passed such a measure a few years ago, the Governor vetoed it. Vermont doesn’t have the initiative process. Thanks to Rob Richie and Thomas MacMillan for the link.


Maine Inititiative Petition for Ranked-Choice Voting Will Start Circulating Next Month — 11 Comments

  1. I not saying the voters of Maine lack intelligence, but does one think the average voter would understand “rank-choice voting” well enough to utilize it on a mass scale?

    I would assume this legislation – if it becomes law – does not require the voter to “rank-choice” but only gives them the option.

    Is this the way the law would work if passed?

  2. If they do that then I’m sure the Republicans will retaliate with top two like they did in California when the Democratics cemented all the power in SF and Oakland.

    So that is good news, because Top Two has had a unifying effect as the answer to winner-takes-all IRV voting.

    Good job Maine! Real representation is now only a few decades into the future. 😉

  3. James Ogle: Don’t want to get into a spat over this, but I think you know and I know, none of these alternate voting systems which B.A.N. readers and supporters advocate, will ever be adapted.

    We 3rd partisans and active Independents are a minority within a minority. While our alternative electoral systems would be fairer to all, the Establishment does not care about fairness. They are only interested in Power!

    Top Two is the way the Establishment will eliminate whatever influence 3rd parties and active Independents might have on our nation’s government. Because there are more Democrats than Republicans, Top Two will always favor them, and this is one reason why they will prevail.

    I don’t know how long it may take them, most likely we’ll (if you are my age) be gone to our rewards, and we may not live long enough to witness such a system. But eventually, Top Two, in my honest belief, will result in a One Party System – dominated by Democrats – who will have persuaded a gullible public such as system is best for them.

    Still, you’ve a right to your opinion and the right to advocate for your preference of an electoral system. I will always respect such.

  4. NEVER is a very long time period.

    The MONSTERS who had slavery in 1776-1861 thought it would continue forever.

    Slavery DOOM in 1861-1865 the very hard way.

    Get ready for some major yelling and screaming about ANTI-DEMOCRACY gerrymander math on and after 4 Nov 2014.
    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

  5. The city of Cambridge MA has been using a non-partisan pure proportional representation system for more than 50 or so years. More and more people are finally realizing that RCV in multi-winner districts is the ONLY way to go.

    All peoples of the world want their governments to continually improve and the USA is no different.

    Top Two like in California in 2014 allowed many candidates to accept nomination into a unifying all party system. Before Top Two not so much. I know, I did the same project in 2010 and 2014, before Top Two and after Top Two, and I saw a very noticeable difference.

    I’m the type of person who likes to work with people.

    I understand how team psychology works in politics. Fighting, suing and continually finding conflict with everything is NOT conducive to teamwork and I have no idea where people began to think that those attributes are acceptable in politics and good for attracting votes.

    On the contrary, being kind, receptive, real and dependably so are better traits in politics.

    That’s why I am comfortable with promoting pure proportional representation; it generates a unifying trust among people and not the same fighting you get from plurality elections.

    But you can’t pretend or hope you have it, it has to be real proportional representation with ballots as proof to really get the benefits of being humble and a team player.

  6. I agree with Alabama Independent that the California Ds are going to really benefit from Top Two even though it was the Rs who implemented it.

    So on November 4th, I predict that the Ds might win an overwhelming majority and the Rs are going to WISH that they had been better team players at unity.

    The Libertarians have been left really far behind in their mental growth and the Greens just don’t seem to have “it”.

    After the election the Rs may swing more favorably to coalition building. That’s what I hope.

    Four years were again wasted, at least we’ll have 2018 to look forward to and maybe more candidates will try harder to work together?

    The younger candidates may run again and eventually you’ll start getting more candidates experienced with teamwork. Use our weaknesses as strengths and eventually the unity will break into mainstream thought.

    We only need about three good team player candidates to make good things happen and I haven’t seen many who can think on their feet yet but that’s not to say it can’t happen sooner.

    A lot of people like Obama might pretend to have it, or they might try to implement small parts, but pretending just isn’t as good as the real deal.

  7. I’m sure all the candidates in North Korea, for example, are “team players.”

    Is this what you are advocating for the U.S. Election process? I trust not.

  8. Jim Riley: They might eliminate the Primaries once the public has been brainwashed into believing that the Elite know best who is to serve in public office.

    Then, we’ll see elections with only ONE candidate on listed the ballot for each office, selected by the Elite of the Establishment. And of course, turn out will be 99.99 % of all the registered voters – just like they have in North Korea.

    I pray I am not around when this happens in the United States, but I am concerned for my grandchildren and their children who may be around.

  9. Alabama Independent: forgive me for saying it but your comments sound like the Alabama voter lacks intelligence. To compare our electoral system, and desire to improve the outcomes for the benefit of greater representation, to that of North Korea is simply absurd.

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