Brian Kemp, Georgia Secretary of State, Wants Most or All Southern States to Hold Presidential Primaries on March 1

According to this blog post at FrontloadingHQ, Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp is working to persuade as many southern states as possible to hold their 2016 presidential primaries on March 1.


Brian Kemp, Georgia Secretary of State, Wants Most or All Southern States to Hold Presidential Primaries on March 1 — 4 Comments

  1. The closest that got to it was 1988. Then for some reason each of the states went their own way again.

  2. This might be a good idea, if there still was such a thing as the “Solid South.” Today, there is not a Solid South any longer. Neither Florida, Virginia, and possibly North Carolina can be considered part of a Solid South.

  3. I’m sure Georgia would love that, but South Carolina is an RNC carve out state, along with New Hampshire and Iowa. The Republican party, which has complete legislative dominance, will fight viciously against any such plan.

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