Congressional Bill to Let Small Contributors to Campaigns Deduct 50% From Their Income Tax

Congressman John Sarbanes (D-Maryland) has introduced HR 20. It would let taxpayers who make small contributions to congressional candidates, or to political parties, deduct 50% of the amount of the contribution from federal income tax. The bill has 141 co-sponsors. All are Democrats except for Walter B. Jones, a Republican from North Carolina.


Congressional Bill to Let Small Contributors to Campaigns Deduct 50% From Their Income Tax — 5 Comments

  1. How about whoopie pies? Can I at least get a 5% deduction on whoopie pies? Purchasing one is ALMOST a political act.

  2. Thanks to the Federal Election Commission’s data base, I know you have been a generous contributor for political causes in the past.

    I support the bill but it seems to have no chance in the current Congress.

  3. They track beer and whoopie pie purchases and not contributions to Super PACS?

    What a great system.

  4. BTW, Richard, and in all seriousness…this is tax credit (not deduction, as I understand it) that would have the effect only of adding MORE money to our corrupt system of campaign finance.

    Therefore, I oppose it.

    But thanks…I do get a little thrill every time you reveal another bit you learn about me…my first name, my state of residence, my political contributions…does it give you a little buzz to make the revelations? And what’s next?

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