On March 3, a subcommittee of the Iowa House Government Committee passed HF 4 by a vote of 2-1. This is the bill that abolishes the straight-ticket device.
On March 3, a subcommittee of the Iowa House Government Committee passed HF 4 by a vote of 2-1. This is the bill that abolishes the straight-ticket device.
One little piece of legislation that is good. Doing away with party straight ticket devices, discourages the dumb voters, and encourages the enlighted voters to participate.
But once the ultra-liberals see that the lack of the straight ticket device is costing them votes, they’ll work to have it re-instated.
Admittedly, a ballot with a party emblem and a straight ticket device, makes it quicker to cast a ballot and not have to look for Democrats or Republicans on the ballot. Party bosses like ballots designed this way. They can get the voters in and out of the polls quicker, and have time to get another van load of voters hauled to the polls before they close.