Pope Francis Seems to Endorse Public Funding of Election Campaigns

Pope Francis I recently said, “Perhaps public financing would allow for me, the citizen, to know that I’m financing each candidate with a given amount of money.”  He made other remarks that show he is worried that when campaigns are funded privately, good government is less likely.  See this story.  Thanks to Rick Hasen for the link.


Pope Francis Seems to Endorse Public Funding of Election Campaigns — 11 Comments

  1. Any campaign finance stuff in the election of Popes in Vatican City ???

    — or merely divine intervention only ???

  2. I am not a Catholic. I do not put my faith in the Pope. He is a man who puts his drawers on just like I do, one leg at a time. Additionally, the Roman Catholic Church is only a domination of the Christian Church, despite their claiming the contrary. I will admit they are the oldest domination, and I will respect their right in retroactively giving Peter the title of the first Pope – even though there is no reference to such title in the Bible – including their own version of the Bible.

    That being said, I do have to agree with “Pope” Francis in his support for public financing of elections. Since he does have much influence, I trust that such influence will result in getting money out of politics. For he too recognizes that the “love of money is the root of all evil.”

    We need publicly financing of ALL candidates who have made the ballot, beginning with the Presidency and who have their name on enough state ballots where there is mathematical theory of their winning Electoral Votes sufficient to win.

    Included in this law, should be that NO private money shall be raised for any candidate running for such office, and if evidence of such is proven, both the raiser of the money, and the candidate knowing of such money, will be disqualified from the ballot, and everyone serving at least 30 years in prison.

    Force is the only way to make democracy work. And when someone serves 30 years in prison, their attitude toward obeying the law(s) will definitely be changed. I do not believe that anyone is incorrigible. Force is the answer. It always has been, and it always will be!

  3. Hmmm. How much FORCE has been used to make ANTI-Democracy monarchy and oligarchy regimes *work* in the last 6,000 plus years of recorded history ???

    i.e. how many slaves were killed / tortured / terrorized in 1776-1865 in the slave State regimes ???

    Gee – is casting a ballot the use of political FORCE — sword and shield stuff ??? Duh.

    Even in casting ballots for a Pope ???

    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.Hmmm. How much FORCE has been used to make ANTI-Democracy monarchy and oligarchy regimes *work* in the last 6,000 plus years of recorded history ???

    i.e. how many slaves were killed / tortured / terrorized in 1776-1865 in the slave State regimes ???

    Gee – is casting a ballot the use of political FORCE — sword and shield stuff ??? Duh.

    Even in casting ballots for a Pope ???

    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

  4. Not a big fan of the Vatican or the Pope, but I have to admit he has as much right to free speech as the rest of us. However, he should exercise it the good old American way…contribute to a Super PAC.

  5. Barry Scary,

    Pope Francis was referring specifically to his native Argentina.

    ps You will be glad to know that India permits political contributions from corporations as long it is no more than 7.5% of profits, and approved by the board of directors.

  6. Demo Rep: I hardly know how to answer your replies as you speak in what I call “snippets” and I don’t even know if there is such a word. But I think we both know what I mean. You make a 3 word statement, then don’t elaborate.

    Yes. force is a power if used in the right manner can keep the peace and make democracy work. You have to believe the Holy Scriptures, or else this debate is meaningless. In Romans 13: 1-7 God, speaking through the Holy Spirit and the Apostle Paul being guided to write; spoke these words: “Let every soul be subject to the higher powers. For there is no power but of God.” What most theologians agree on is that the authority for ALL law comes from God. Despite what Chris Coumo thinks, God is the authority of Law – not man. But from that authority, man is given the power to decide whether people will live in a democratic society or a monarch. We are compelled to obey the law – whether of a democracy or a monarch – must be obeyed – unless those laws are demanding we obey man rather than God. Again, God through the Holy Spirit, directed the Apostle Paul to write: “…we ought to obey God rather than men.”

    So Force can control people and make them do what the government wants them to do. In China and Russia, dictators killed millions of their own people to make the point. While the Soviet Union has fallen (but there’s concern about it returning) China still operates as a totalitarism regime with some sprinkling of the capitalist system.

    So never say Force cannot make people do what they may not want to do. They may have to give up their life in defiance, but Force of Government is powerful. Our objective is to keep it under the hands of democratic elements at all time.

  7. LOTS of Democracy FORCE used in wiping out the EVIL Central Powers in WW I and the Axis Powers in WW II.

    i.e. esp. after WW II — getting Democracy elections into Germany, Italy and Japan.

    P.R. in the Germany regime since 1949 — stable regime.

    NO P.R. in Italy and Japan – both a bit UN-stable.

  8. Jimbo –

    Are you advocating that Indian politicians should be able to hold political office in the United States? Is that your point? Or that Indian corporations should be able to contribute to campaigns for office in the US? Is that your point? Or are you suggesting that the pontiff is actually an Indian and not an Argentine? Maybe THAT’s your point.

    What is life like on the other side of the looking glass?

  9. “…the Roman Catholic Church is only a domination of the Christian Church, despite their claiming the contrary. I will admit they are the oldest domination…” – Alabama Independent

    Why are they the oldest denomination? The Council of Chalcedon in 451 AD organized the Church into five patriarchates: Rome, Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch and Jerusalem. The Eastern Church is certainly as old as the Western Church. Antioch was the first place disciples of Jesus Christ were called “Christians” so by that standard the Antiochian Orthodox Church could be said to be the oldest denomination.

  10. “Antioch was the first place disciples of Jesus Christ were called “Christians” so by that standard the Antiochian Orthodox Church could be said to be the oldest denomination.”

    Technically, you could be correct. While there is only ONE Church, and that is the one created by Jesus, the Christ. But for a group – just because it may be the oldest organized denomination – to claim to be the ONLY Church is heresy. There were individual congregations scattered all around the middle east and Asia Minor. Some united and gave allegiance to a particular Bishop or other church authority – but this does not make it the ONLY church.

    Christ wanted His Church to be in unity. But the sinful nature of mankind, resulted in this not happening. As a result, some 2000 years later, we have dozens and dozens of denominations. Still, Christ loves His Church, provided they follow His Commandments. When He returns to reign over all the Earth as King of Kings, then the Church will be finally united, and many who claim that their denomination is THE Church, are going to have shame on their face.

    I love my Catholic friends who genuinely accept Jesus’death on the Cross, as the only forgiveness for sin, and for eternal life. But they are in error, when they mistakenly believe their denomination’s doctrine is without error. But the good thing, is a loving Christ, will humbly explain how we all went astray with our denominationalism, and then, for eternity, we will be able to worship HIM, and not a Bishop, a Deacon, a Pastor, or any other person as the Leader of the ONE and ONLY Church.

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