
New York Times Story on Tomorrow’s Special Legislative Election That Has No Democratic Nominee — 5 Comments

  1. This would not be a problem in Washington, California, Texas, or Louisiana.

  2. While each of the “3rd Party” candidates appear to be Democrats, it is not going to be an “earth moving” event if one of the “3rd Party” candidates wins. And in this predominate Democratic district, wouldn’t expect the Republican nominee to pull off an upset. But it is good that the election laws in New York State appear to make it within grasp for a 3rd Party to organize and gather the signatures for ballot access. Too sad it is not this way in many states.

  3. The big issue is gentrification and the huge monstrous towers blocking light and everything on Flatbush Avenue. Brooklyn’s affordable housing stock is disappearing and longtime residents are being priced out of their neighborhoods by yuppies and hipsters from godforsaken places like the Midwest.

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