On May 6, the New Hampshire Libertarian Party filed this brief in U.S. District Court in its ballot access case. The lawsuit is challenging the 2014 law that made it illegal to circulate the petition for a newly-qualifying party in an odd year.
On May 6, the New Hampshire Libertarian Party filed this brief in U.S. District Court in its ballot access case. The lawsuit is challenging the 2014 law that made it illegal to circulate the petition for a newly-qualifying party in an odd year.
Attorneys Bisonette & Christie have written on behalf of the N. H. Libertarian Part a well-reasoned, well-documented argument for an injunction against enforcement of the new, restrictive petitioning period. A wealth of supporting data, excellent analogies, superb logic, and even disproofs of the Secty of State’s after-the-fact justifications are all there. A reading of this argument it is difficult to imagine how the court could fail to do otherwise than to strike down the petitioning period provisions of HB1582. But then, how often have we seen courts ignore good arguments (like this one) and basic fairness when considering ballot access cases? One often wonders if they even actually read the arguments. The decision on this matter will reveal a great deal about the quality of the judges.