Former High-Ranking Democratic Party Leader Warns that Relaxing Debate Standards Might Admit a “Dangerous” Candidate

The Daily Beast has an article on whether general election presidential debates should be open to more candidates. Much of the story focuses on the comments of Leslie C. Francis, a former Executive Director of the Democratic National Committee and also a former Executive Director of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

Francis originally joined in with Level the Playing Field, advocating that the standards be more relaxed. But he says he broke with Level the Playing Field after it filed a lawsuit against the Federal Election Commission to force the FEC to consider changing the federal regulations on debates. Francis is quoted as saying that Level the Playing Field “blew everything up by joining forces with the Greens and the Libertarians.” Francis also says that the Commission on Presidential Debates was “possibly” going to lower the polling threshold from 15% to 10%, and he implies that that possibility is now less likely because the lawsuit was filed.

Francis also warns against “dangerous” presidential candidates qualifying for the debates if the standards are significantly relaxed.


Former High-Ranking Democratic Party Leader Warns that Relaxing Debate Standards Might Admit a “Dangerous” Candidate — 5 Comments

  1. I can see the commercial now. “Vote For (Name Here). He’s The Dangerous Candidate!!”

  2. Obviously the word “dangerous” in this case is defined as meaning “Not Democrat or Republican.”

  3. Les Francis shows that in his innermost thoughts, he doesn’t trust ordinary U.S. voters. I’m afraid many elite people have the same mind-set.

  4. Dangerous candidate? I thought he was referring to Hillary! 🙂

  5. ask the republicans who their “dangerous” candidate is that is leading their polls.

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