
New York State Court Rules that Women’s Equality Party’s Should Remain on the Ballot — 5 Comments

  1. I wonder what Cuomo did to get the court to decide that? No matter, it’ll take more than a practically defunct upon arrival satellite party to knock the Greens off the ballot in New York. I’ve noticed that the NY Greens are getting some respect for being an actual, independent political party.

  2. That is not what the court ruled.

    There has been no action that would cause the NYSBOE to put a candidate on the ballot. All the NYSBOE has done is date stamp a filing, and stick it in a filing cabinet.

    The proper defendant should be the New York legislature for having the goofy con-fusion laws in the first place.

  3. Fusion voting is another failed mathematical equation where a candidate can be on the ballot under multiple party ballot lines. That creates bad voting problems and disproportional results. You simply need to allow each person have one word(s) by their name.

    A lot of water has passed under the bridge since we learned the most mathematical voting system known; The Sainte-Lague parliament seat distribution system, Hagenbach-Bischoff method.

    You can argue between the many variations for eternity but you will only spin your wheels, scatter shoot and self-destruct.

    Only the calibrating of pure proportional representation (PR) is worthy of speaking, writing and organizing around.

    The 9th USA Parliament has been doing this for twenty consecutive years and PR works fine. Many beautiful ideas spring around PR and multiple variations such as the naming of Google or as Bush said […] “bringing full representation to Iraq”.

    We’ve engaged, extended our invitations and we’ve watched the unfolding of the continual failures of pluralists in government, the fusion issue and political party boss systems from the ranks of the USA Parliament for twenty consecutive years and our team has developed better precedents and more detailed team plays every year.

    We are a United Coalition of fifteen candidates for US President and welcome others who want to experience the awesome mathematics of PR. We have the votes cast by our POTUS candidates which elect both the names, debate guidelines and the qualifications for our team players.

    We don’t think CNN’s promotion of the dividing, power-grabbers pluralists is a good thing.

    The United Coalition is fifteen people who want to work together, not commercial-generating enrichment of CNN.

    We have our own news company; APS (All Party System Co.).

    We’re APS vs CNN.

    The All Party System Co. is owned by the USA Parliament and the board is made up of team players who like and use PR, and use the good unity psychology as our news source – not the demoralizing pluralist info. continually emanating from pluralists.

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