Wichita Eagle Reports on Latest in Kansas Lawsuit over Voter Registration Lawsuit

The Wichita Eagle has this article about the ACLU lawsuit over the status of Kansas residents who filled out federal voter registration forms. The Kansas Secretary of State had earlier said such individuals may only vote for federal office, not state and local office. An ACLU lawsuit on behalf of two voters is pending in state court. Presumably the case is called Aaron Belenky v Kris Kobach.

The Kansas Secretary of State granted full voting rights to the two plaintiffs after he looked up their records in the drivers license records and determined they are citizens. He then attempted to get their case dismissed on the grounds that they no longer have any cause to complain. But the state court ruled last week that they still have standing because (1) they were denied the right to vote in earlier elections; (2) the problem is capable of repetition because there are tens of thousands of similarly-situated applicants who still can’t vote in state and local elections.

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