U.S. District Court Requires Ohio Challenger to Reveal More Previously Hidden Evidence, in Libertarian Party Lawsuit

The U.S. District Court that is hearing Libertarian Party of Ohio v Husted has ruled that Terry Casey must produce redacted portions of some text messages he sent in the spring of 2014, when he and others involved with the Ohio Republican Party and the John Kasich gubernatorial campaign were engineering a challenge to keep the Libertarian Party gubernatorial candidate off the ballot.

Terry Casey is a Republican activist who was active in finding someone to challenge the Libertarian gubernatorial primary petition, and finding money to pay the challenger’s legal bills. In the end, the Republican Party of Ohio paid $692,000 in legal bills for the challenger, Gregory Felsoci.

The magistrate judge has ordered some redacted passages from text messages to be shown to the magistrate judge on September 25. One of the text messages is dated February 27, 2004, when another Republican texted Casey, “Would it help our case if one of the (Libertarian) circulators signed a Democratic petition this year?” The response from Casey was, “YES!! These are very important. Can we discuss more by phone tonight?” The response to that was redacted, but now the redacted part must be revealed, at least to the Magistrate Judge.


U.S. District Court Requires Ohio Challenger to Reveal More Previously Hidden Evidence, in Libertarian Party Lawsuit — 4 Comments

  1. Yes, now there must be a special election to fill the empty seat, which means that the question of whether the Libertarian Party is still on the ballot needs to get settled before that special election.

  2. CONSPIRACY messages ???

    Any undetected messages between the rebel conspirators in 1859-1861 just before Civil WAR II started in Apr 1861 ??? — first shot at Fort Sumter in SC.

    Candidate / incumbent rank order lists for replacements.
    NO more very expensive special elections for legislators.

  3. I am a Republican Party candidate for US President who won the only state primary in 2014 (as a Libertarian) that allowed Libertarians on the state ballot, which fell before the national convention.

    I am campaigning for a concept of liberty, the liberty to self-categorize under any word(s) as a free speech message for the voters when they enter the voting booth.

    I assure you, that should the Libertarian Party continue to block out non-Libertarians, that this is a self-destructive plan which will lead to their continual defeat in 2015, 2016 and beyond.

    I appeal to those in charge of this debate to give true liberty and allow all voters the liberty to self-categorize as they with (including independent) as quickly as possible, the sooner the better.

    After 200+ years of plurality voting in single winner districts, the concept of the two-party system is ingrained in peoples’ heads.

    But not me, because I know how to win by attracting votes from the 100%.

    Please feel free to message me directly if you are unsure how this works.



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