Virgil Goode, 2012 Constitution Party Presidential Nominee, Joins Donald Trump Campaign

Former Congressman Virgil Goode, who was the Constitution Party’s presidential nominee in 2012, has become a campaign official in Donald Trump’s campaign in Virginia. See this story.


Virgil Goode, 2012 Constitution Party Presidential Nominee, Joins Donald Trump Campaign — 18 Comments

  1. Will this cause this clown to finally be ousted from the Constitution Party’s National Committee?

  2. Kicking him out of the CP would certainly help with damage control. Do you know if the Constitution Party’s EC intends to do just that, J.R.?

  3. As for Virgil Goode, no one has to through him out, all the
    CP Executive Committee has to their normal practice and do a
    “lock out” as they did to Michael in 2006 in Corcord, NH.

    It is also clear that Panama Jack McCain III is behind the
    complaint to the commission in NH on November 23, 2015, the
    former Chairman of the GOP in NH is taking the marching orders
    from McCain III.

    It is also clear that McCain was born in the Republic of Panama and not the Panama Canal Zone to an unwed mother,
    because the bogus purported marriage in TJ was in a bar and not in at the office of the Civil Registry as required under
    the laws of Baja California at the time.

    Records of this non marriage of Jphn McCain II and Roberta Wright can be found at the Court Clerk Office in Lordsberg, NM
    with a SASE returned envelope and a check for $1.50 certified
    copy or just 50 cents only for a non certified copy. Just ask the clerk for a copy of the recorded no-marriage record of John McCain II.

    The botton line is there is no why John McCain III could ever have been a U. S. Citizen under the laws of the United States.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Chairman, American Independent Party

  4. That’s unfortunate. You should put pressure on them to put principle above politics in this case.

  5. The bylaws of the National CP clearly state that any Exec Committee member who fails to attend three consecutive meetings can be removed from the committee.
    From Article III: “Any member of the Executive Committee who is absent from three consecutive Executive Committee meetings without having given notice of a good and sufficient reason for such absence to the National Chairman shall be subject to removal by rule of the Executive Committee.”
    Mr. Goode was certainly not present at either the fall 2014 meeting in Cincinnati, spring 2015 meeting in Pittsburgh, or fall 2015 meeting in Albuquerque, so I believe this is in the works.

  6. FYI, I just received the following message from CP National Chairman Frank Fluckiger: “Jeff: It was mentioned in the Executive Committee meeting in Albuquerque [October 30-31, 2016]… He [Virgil Goode] resigned prior to that on a conference call with the national party leaders… I asked him to be on the phone call to address the issue and give us his side of the story. The conference call ended on very good terms. Thanks for you understanding.”

  7. Wow. I guess AIP left the C.P. on “very good terms” also. We just found a new national party and then Howard Phillips had Jim King sue the State Chairman in two California Counties three times and lost in court all three times.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Chairman,
    American Independent Party of California

  8. IMO, it is shortsighted to frown on third party people working within a major party primary. They can potentially do some good there for the cause (Ron Paul, Donald Trump) and still remain faithful to the goals of the third party.

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