Illinois Objections to Four Presidential Primary Candidates Withdrawn; Three Remain

According to this story, objectors to the Illinois presidential primary petitions of Bernie Sanders, Martin O’Malley, Larry Cohen, and Rocky De La Fuente have withdrawn their objections. That means those four candidates will definitely be on the Democratic presidential primary ballot.

The only challenges still pending are to Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio. The latter two are not based on insufficient signatures, but on constitutional qualifications to be President.


Illinois Objections to Four Presidential Primary Candidates Withdrawn; Three Remain — 2 Comments

  1. Not being more careful what he wishes will occur, Cruz may finally in-fact have his Mano-a-Mano with Trump in USDC-NYSD regarding the NBC eligibility birther issue to appear on the April 2016 NYS GOP primary election ballot.

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