Nebraska Bill to Require Statewide Independent Candidates to Collect Signatures of 10% of All Registered Voters

Nebraska State Senator John Murante (R-Gretna) has introduced LB 879. It would require independent candidates to collect the signatures of 10% of all registered voters. Statewide independents would need 115,885 valid signatures, based on the 2015 registration total of 1,158,842.

Existing law requires 2,500 signatures for independent presidential candidates, and 4,000 for statewide independent candidates for other office. The bill would be unconstitutional if signed into law. The U.S. Supreme Court has put a ceiling of 5% of the eligible signers on ballot access for candidates and newly-qualifying parties.

It is not known why Senator Murante introduced this bill. In 2014 there were no independent candidates for Governor of Nebraska, and there were two independent candidates for U.S. Senate.


Nebraska Bill to Require Statewide Independent Candidates to Collect Signatures of 10% of All Registered Voters — 1 Comment

  1. “State Senator John Murante (R-Gretna):” so much for the farce of
    ‘non-partisan’ elections. Truly, Nebraska’s so-called non-partisan
    elections for state legislature are just a “‘flim-flam’ on the voters! Even in local non-partisan elections, the parties promote their own and their affiliation is known via the press to all.

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