Current registration data shows that 29.9% of voters in states that have partisan registration are Republicans. This is slightly higher than the October 2014 percentage, when Republicans had 29.8% This is the first time the Republican share nationwide has risen since 2004, when it was slightly better than it had been in 2002.
Democratic registration nationwide is at 40.6%, the lowest it has been in at least 35 years. The share of registered independents and minor parties is 29.5%, the highest it has ever been since I have been collecting data starting in 1980.
However, these figures are still not completely final, because Massachusetts has still not furnished any data newer than February 2015. New Massachusetts data is expected early next week. For those of you who subscribe to the print version of Ballot Access News, the March 1 issue won’t be mailed until the Massachusetts data is obtained, so your copy may not arrive until March 4 or so.