Anti-Trump Conservative Republicans Now Seem to Favor Blocking Trump at National Convention, Rather than Running an Independent Ticket

On Thursday, March 17, anti-Trump Republican conservatives met in Washington, D.C. Although earlier publicity about this group had said that it might work for an independent presidential candidate, this story about the meeting suggests that most participants still believe Donald Trump might be defeated for the Republican nomination. The group pins its hopes on Ted Cruz.


Anti-Trump Conservative Republicans Now Seem to Favor Blocking Trump at National Convention, Rather than Running an Independent Ticket — 6 Comments

  1. Proportional representation can’t be used to select a President. One can’t chop up a living human being into pieces and meld them into a proportionate person.

    But instant runoff voting would work, and it probably would have been helpful to the Republican Party if Republican presidential primaries this year used IRV.

  2. PR can be used for instructing a delegation how to vote, of course . . . and some state primaries or caucuses do that, albeit sometimes with higher thresholds than I suspect “pure” PR advocates would, um, advocate.

  3. Let me guess. A bunch of moronic Republicans got together and tried to decide to put forth a “conservative” candidate on an independent ballot and discovered that ballot access laws were ridiculously difficult and complained about “who the F” made this so difficult and found out it was actually themselves. Jerks.

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