Republican National Committee Files Amicus Curiae Brief in Defense of New Hampshire Ballot Access Restriction

On March 31, the Republican National Committee filed an amicus curiae brief in Libertarian Party of New Hampshire v Gardner, the lawsuit challenging the 2014 law that made it illegal to collect signatures on a party petition during an odd year.

The Republican National Committee amicus says similar restrictions were upheld in other states, but none of their cited cases is on point. The Republican brief cites Green Party of Arkansas v Martin, but that was a case about how a party remains on the ballot, not on how it gets on. The brief cites Rogers v Corbett, a Pennsylvania case, but that was not about timing of petitioning; it was a challenge to the concept that Pennsylvania requires non-members of the party to help the party choose its nominees. The Republican brief cites Stone v Board of Elections, but that was about candidate petitions in non-partisan city elections, not petitions to create a new party. The Republicans cite Barr v Galvin, a Massachusetts case, but that was about whether a presidential candidate petition could use stand-ins. The Republican brief cites a 1988 Oklahoma case, Rainbow Coalition for Election Board, and that case did uphold a one-year period for collecting the party petition, but New Hampshire only allows seven months, not one year. Also Oklahoma let the group choose its own one-year petitioning window; New Hampshire does not.


Republican National Committee Files Amicus Curiae Brief in Defense of New Hampshire Ballot Access Restriction — 1 Comment

  1. Attention ALL moron robot party hacks —

    Every election is N-E-W and has ZERO to do with any prior event since the alleged Big Bang —

    except the actual number of voters in the prior election in the election areas involved.

    Hopefully ALL of the SCOTUS H-A-C-K-S will go even more totally nuts than they have been since 1968 in Williams v. Rhodes.
    ONLY EQUAL nominating petitions to get on the [general] election ballots.
    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

    The CRISIS in the U.S.A. is NOW — due to the statist control freak brains of Trump, Clinton, Sanders, etc.

    i.e. 666 computerized Monarchy-TYRANNY is coming if Democracy reforms do NOT happen ASAP.

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