Pat Buchanan Advises Republican Party to Nominate Donald Trump for President and Ted Cruz for Vice-President

On April 7, Pat Buchanan appeared on the Hannity Show and advised the Republican Party to nominate Donald Trump for President and Ted Cruz for Vice-President. Scroll down to about one-third of the way. Buchanan said, “Let me suggest something, Sean. Go with Trump and Cruz as a ticket.” Thanks to PoliticalWire for the link.


Pat Buchanan Advises Republican Party to Nominate Donald Trump for President and Ted Cruz for Vice-President — 7 Comments

  1. Hmmm. A CERTAIN way to have the Donkeys win the TYRANT / Emperor Prez/VP and both houses of the gerrymander Congress ???

    Stay tuned.

  2. This could be dangerous for Trump, because if the establishment prefers Cruz, they could assassinate Trump, and then Cruz would be President.

  3. Actually, they should nominate Ron Paul and Rand Paul for President and Vice-President respectively.

  4. This makes sense because I think the Democrats may nominate Clinton for President and Sanders for Vice President to keep the Sanders supporters from defecting.

  5. A while back, Trump brought Mike Huckabee up on stage at one of his events. Unlike Cruz, there is no question of Huck’s natural born citizenship and he could still appeal to the evangelicals who are looking for someone with political leadership for VP. Plus, the two haven’t been at each other’s throats.

  6. Don’t see how that could work. So the President candidate would have a VP who he called Lyin’Ted ?

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