Trial Starts in Federal Court Over North Carolina Legislative Districts

On April 11, the trial began in Covington v State, m.d., 1:15cv-399. The issue is whether North Carolina’s legislative districts are, in some instances, unconstitutional racial gerrymanders. See this story. The trial will probably last all week.

The three judges are: Thomas D. Schroeder, a Bush Jr. appointee; James A. Wynn, Jr., an Obama appointee; Catherine Eagles, an Obama appointee.


Trial Starts in Federal Court Over North Carolina Legislative Districts — 1 Comment

  1. Save Democracy from the nonstop EVIL control freak monarchs and oligarchs — see the Prez candidates and their gangster backers — with State and local counterparts.

    The ENTIRE regimes are rotted to their EVIL minority rule gerrymander cores — since 1776.

    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

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