Member of Republican National Rules Committee Wants Republican Convention to Use Robert’s Rules of Order

Solomon Yue, a member of the Republican Party’s Rules Committee, wants the convention to use Robert’s Rules of Order. See this story. Using Robert’s Rules of Order would give more power to individual delegates and less power to Paul Ryan, who will be presiding over the convention. Thanks to PoliticalWire for the link.


Member of Republican National Rules Committee Wants Republican Convention to Use Robert’s Rules of Order — 3 Comments

  1. Robert’s Rules are dangerously obsolete — from the late 1800s — when folks had lots of time to be amused.

    The CRISIS is NOW — due to the EVIL powermad monarchs and oligarchs in the U.S.A.

    Abolish the Electoral College timebomb.
    Abolish extremist robot party hack caucuses, primaries and conventions.
    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

  2. Probably by coincidence, there was an op ed somewhere in the last couple of days saying the Republican convention delegates should use IRV to choose their presidential candidate, instead of successive ballots. Among many other things, Robert’s Rules calls for the use of a procedure closely related to IRV for the election of officers. In this procedure, there are successive ballots but the candidate with the fewest votes is dropped after each ballot in which no candidate gets a majority. It’s not likely that this provision of Robert’s Rules would apply nominating a candidate for a public election (as opposed to electing the officers of the organization itself). But talking about Roberts Rules does provide an opportunity to talk about IRV.

  3. IRV for single offices is one more super TIMEBOMB due to math MORONS —

    34 LMR
    33 RML
    16 MLR
    16 MRL

    The muddled middle is divided — as usual.

    With IRV, M loses.
    The super extremist L beats the super extremist R by a giant 50-49 and claims ownership of the Universe.

    STOP IRV (and its super dangerous MORON math supporters) at ALL costs.

    Proper advanced method — HEAD To HEAD math – aka Condorcet math.

    M beats L 65-34
    M beats R 66-33

    M has a mere 99 votes in 1st plus 2nd place votes.

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