Three Leading Republicans Running for U.S. Senate in California All Fear that Top-Two Will Put Only Two Democrats on November Ballot

The three most prominent Republicans running for U.S. Senate in California this year all express the opinion in this San Francisco Chronicle article that none of them are likely to qualify for the November 2016 ballot. These three Republicans are Ron Unz, Tom Del Beccaro, and Duf Sundheim. Polls indicate that the top two vote-getters in June will be Democrats Kamala Harris (Attorney General of California) and Loretta Sanchez (U.S. House member from Orange County).

The only debate for U.S. Senate in California includes the five candidates mentioned above, but none of the other 29 candidates who are also on the June ballot.


Three Leading Republicans Running for U.S. Senate in California All Fear that Top-Two Will Put Only Two Democrats on November Ballot — 7 Comments

  1. How come ALL folks in sunny CA do NOT demand that the gerrymander USA Senate be ABOLISHED ???

    CA / WY = about 55 to 1 in population and Prez voters.

  2. Demo Rep because that would require a constitutional amendment passed by congress and ratified by 38 states and throw the entire intent of the original system out of whack, dumb ass.

    And it has nothing do with gerrymandering. You are a completely illiterate ignorant dumb fuck dude. Just stop posting so you don’t keep proving that you have an IQ below 20.

  3. The EVIL rotted system has been OUT of WHACK since 1776 — esp. with the 3 added gerrymander USA systems in the 1787 Const — the gerrymander House of Reps, the gerrymander Senate [semi-permanent] and the gerrymander Electoral College.

    Stone Age math MORONS love the current ANTI-Democracy gerrymander systems.

    It shows.

    Just like the Stone Age MORONS who loved divine right of kings for centuries, who loved slavery for centuries, etc. etc. etc.

    Gee – how many constitutional amdts since the 12th Amdt regarding ELECTION stuff ??? Duh.
    12, 14-2, 15, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27 — for the math challenged 11 of 16. Do the percentage math.
    Democracy NOW —
    END the rule of the ANTI-Democracy minority rule gerrymander oligarchs – with their undeclared WARS, insane national debts, domestic oppresions (think genocide of the American Indian tribes from 1776-1890 and slavery in 1776-1865), etc. etc.

    The logic of events (to use the 1861-1865 Civil War phrase) —

    Uniform definition of Elector-Voter.
    P.R. in ALL legislative bodies.
    NONPARTISAN election of all elected executive officers and ALL judges – esp. for SCOTUS.
    TOTAL separation of legislative, executive and judicial powers.

    Otherwise – get ready for THE computerized TYRANNY of ALL time in the office of the gerrymander USA Prez — due to the SCOTUS hacks (appointed by Prez hacks and confirmed by gerrymander Senate hacks) and the armies of MORONS who love having TYRANTS take control of their lives — think Stalin, Hitler, etc.

    History fans – Today 19 April just happens to be The day when the folks in Mass had quite enough of the Brit tyrants and started the American Revolutionary WAR – a long and vicious WAR to 1783 and the U.S.A. – Brit Peace Treaty.

  4. Paul Merritt is one hell of a candidate…he’s held office and is a proud native of California. Outstanding resumes. As US senator he understands both san Francisco and Los Angeles united. Good man. Great guy‼

  5. Until P.R. comes along for legislative body elections, there is Approval Voting for single offices – vote for 1 or more, highest win.

    i.e. NO primaries.

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