Vermont Governor Signs to Bill to Automatically Register Every Adult Citizen Known to Exist in the State

On April 28, Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin signed HB 458. It automatically registers every adult citizen known to live in Vermont. Persons who are signed up automatically are notified, and then given a choice to de-register if they wish.

Vermont does not have registration by party, so there is no problem with determining whether such voters want to choose to enroll in a party. The bill takes effect July 1, 2017. Other states with automatic registration are Oregon, Colorado, and California.


Vermont Governor Signs to Bill to Automatically Register Every Adult Citizen Known to Exist in the State — 5 Comments

  1. Where is the proof/evidence that ANY person is a LEGAL citizen in any State ???

    i.e. ALL sorts of BAD records since 4 July 1776 —

    for ALLEGIANCE chain purposes — esp. nation-state status of fathers and their kids.

    MEANS Z-E-R-O to the top Donkey robot party hacks who LOVE having ILLEGAL folks voting for Donkey candidates.

  2. Citizen of a regime = having ALLEGIANCE to the regime.

    See the last para. of the DOI — 4 July 1776 folks ENDED the DARK AGE allegiance to the Brit monarchy and formed the 13 independent NATION-STATES.

    ILLEGAL folks in the area of a regime have ZERO allegiance to such regime – i.e. are INVADERS.

    The stupidity level of the New Age *politically correct* courts is way beyond belief.

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