Delegates to the Libertarian Party National Convention are being Polled by a Professional Survey Firm

A professional survey firm has been hired to ask each delegate to the Libertarian Party national convention whom he or she intends to support. It is not known who is paying for the survey.


Delegates to the Libertarian Party National Convention are being Polled by a Professional Survey Firm — 6 Comments

  1. I wonder if McAfee wants to know if it’s worth his time to go to Orlando…

  2. Update: It’s going to be Gary Johnson. Someone has too much time on their hands.

  3. In a year where many are reckoning that a virus must have affected the American people to make them choose Trump and Clinton as presumptive nominees; we now have the founder of the anti-virus running for the Libertarian nomination. Additionally, Johnson seems like a nice fellow with good credentials; but he was already too mellow before he started with the pot use–I don’t think he would do well competing against the major candidates, especially in a debate format. Petersen seems like a nice young man, and his pro-life stance would attract some disaffected Republicans. However, I am not sure if folks will vote for a fellow who likely still gets carded at the bar on Friday night. McAfee, in spite of eccentricities, seems to have common sense and streetwise views on most issues, and has the strength and temperament to go against Trump and Clinton. So, in this year of epidemic virus, I hope the antivirus fellow prevails for the Libertarian nomination.

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