Voters in California U.S. House District in Orange County Likely to See No Republican on November Ballot

This Orange County Register story says that it is considered likely that the November 2016 ballot in California’s 46th U.S. House district will have no option except to vote for a Democrat. The California top-two system is responsible for this limitation on voter choice. Although other U.S. House districts in California have also had only Democrats on the ballot in November, this will be the first time that such a U.S. House race in Orange County has had this characteristic. Orange County has substantially more registered Republicans than Democrats. In November 2014 the Republican who was on the November ballot, Neel Kashkari, outpolled Jerry Brown by 344,817 to 275,707 within Orange County. Thanks to Carla Marinucci for the link.


Voters in California U.S. House District in Orange County Likely to See No Republican on November Ballot — 3 Comments

  1. P.R. in ALL legislative bodies – END the minority rule gerrymanders with or without top 2 rigged primaries.

  2. The SOS reports registration and gubernatorial election results by congressional district.

    In the interest of accuracy, you may want to use these instead of the countywide figures.

    And while you are doing this, ponder the total number of registered voters in the congressional districts that include portions of Orange County.

  3. ALL congressional districts are part of the nonstop EVIL minority rule gerrymander system for the USA House of Reps.

    1/2 or less votes x 1/2 totally rigged pack/crack districts = 1/4 or less Control.

    Due to the top 2 primaries in CA, etc. the minority rule IS getting worse

    — i.e. lots of D/R voters do NOT vote if there are 2R/2D in their gerrymander districts in general elections — i.e. both choices are EVIL as far as they are concerned.

    DO NOT vote for EVIL — even allegedly lesser of EVILS.

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