U.S. District Court Enjoins Kansas Law Requiring Voters who Register at DMV to Submit Documents Proving Citizenship

On May 17, U.S. District Court Judge Julia Robinson, a Bush Jr. appointee, enjoined the Kansas law that says people who register to vote at the Department of Motor Vehicles must provide documents proving they are citizens. The judge interpreted the 1993 federal “Motor Voter” Law to forbid states from requiring such documentation. She stayed her own opinion to give the state time to appeal to the Tenth Circuit. The case is Fish v Kobach, 16-2105. Here is the decision.

The ruling has no effect on voters who hope to register to vote in state and local elections. It only helps applicants to be registered to vote in federal elections. Thanks to Rick Hasen for the link.


U.S. District Court Enjoins Kansas Law Requiring Voters who Register at DMV to Submit Documents Proving Citizenship — 1 Comment

  1. Gee — do LAWLESS COMMUNIST Donkeys give a damn whether or not a person is a USA citizen or not —

    as long as that person votes for Donkey candidates ??? Duh.

    Has Civil WAR II started already ???

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