Canadian Government Agrees that Commission to Study Proportional Representation Should be Proportional

On June 2, the government of Canada, which is controlled by the Liberal Party, agreed with Canada’s other parties that a new commission to study instant runoff voting and proportional representation should itself be composed proportionally. Previously the government insisted that a majority of the members be Liberals. See this story.


Canadian Government Agrees that Commission to Study Proportional Representation Should be Proportional — 5 Comments

  1. If you are interested in hearing more about pure proportional representation in the USA, consider writing in James Ogle (Republican) for US President, a certified write-in in California and Montana.

    I am flattered that my logo joogle inspired Sergie Brin to name his search engine in 1997 after I ran for US President and formed the USA Parliament Party.

    The 9th USA Parliament, the “United Coalition”, has been using pure proportional representation for more than 20 years and it works fine.

    Nobody has it as good as the United Coalition.

  2. Gerrymander ROT in the U.S.A. — and esp. in parliamentary regimes like the U.K. and Canada

    1/2 or less votes x 1/2 gerrymander rigged districts = 1/4 or less CONTROL = OLIGARCHY.

    Actual minority rule in most USA regimes is about 30 (repeat 30) percent with about 23 percent in the UK and Canada (due to their multiple larger parties).

    Basically ONLY separation of powers has prevented total rot in the U.S.A.

    BASIC P.R. — for ALL regimes —

    Party Members = Total Members x Party Votes / Total Votes

  3. This is a time of SUPER D-A-N-G-E-R — much more dangerous than in 1773-1775, 1859-1861, 1914 or 1939.

    The EVIL computerized forces of monarchy/oligarchy are on the march.

    Save Democracy — P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

  4. There is a very good argument for some sort of proportional representation in order to more accurately reflect a party’s influence in the national vote. Of course, a “PR” system would have two immediate consequences (one of which may be desirable, depending on your beliefs).

    1. The Bloq would have their number of seats increased, but the base (denominator) of that increase would be the total number of votes from across the country. Whether the Bloq runs candidates outside of Quebec (unlikely, to say the least), their members had better be prepared to accept calls from Alberta voters-and they’d better be prepared to speak English.
    2. Geographical representation will disappear-see my previous point.

    Countries in Europe that practise “PR” don’t have the same geographical issues that Canada has-by that, I’m referring to size. Can a voter in Iqaluit be assured that he/she will have a voice of somebody who has ever set foot there? If so, how?

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