New California Registration Data

On June 3, the California Secretary of State released new registration data. Compared to the previous tally, the April 8 tally, all the parties except the Democratic Party declined, on a percentage basis. The percentage of no party preference voters also declined.

The new percentages are: Democratic 44.82%; Republican 27.29%; American Independent 2.55%; Libertarian .64%; Green .43%; Peace & Freedom .40%; unqualified parties .55%; no party preference 23.32%.

The Apri percentages were: Democratic 43.65%; Republican 27.52%; American Independent 2.75%; Libertarian .68%; Green .54%; Peace & Freedom .43%; unqualified parties .60%; no party preference 23.85%.


New California Registration Data — 8 Comments

  1. Overall registration was up 3.7% (in 45 days)

    Democratic registration was up 6.5%, Republican 2.9%, NPP 1.5%.

    Green was down 16.4% (1/6 in 45 days), American Independent 3.6%, Peace&Freedom 2.9%, Libertarian 1.8%, Other 5.0%.

    So it was mainly new registrations into the Democratic Party, but there were also people changing their registration particularly from the Green and American Independent parties. This might have been deliberate switches, or voters who had not remembered if they were registered or not. More casual voters are probably more likely to choose parties like Green or American Independent.

    The Independent California Party was up +654 in Fresno County. I wonder if “Independent” voters were reclassified.

  2. Sounds to me like some people were re-registering D from Green to vote for Sanders in the D primary — which registered Greens can’t do but registered Ds or NPPs can do. They can switch back right after the primary — “at any time” is the phrase from the SOS Website, IIRC.

  3. Good news for the Reform Party of California, They have not been abandoned by the electors. It was close
    by just 3 electors.

  4. Jim Riley,

    I have the same “wonder”!? Is the practice in “Fresno County” with its ROV, like that of “Imperial County” with its ROV, viz. taking part of a party’s or (political body’s) name to show intent they want to register in that entity. That would be like the elector giving a name “Freedom Party” and getting assigned to the “Peace & Freedom Party” by the ROV. I was personally informed by former Secretary of State Debra Bowen that that was a proper call of the ROV in early 2008.

    I am aware that there is an appeal by the “Independent Party” and “William “Bill” Lussenheide” in the
    9th circuit in the case of “Independent Party et al v. Pedilla”. My guess is Charles Deemer, Gary Odom’s mom, and William “Bill” Lussenheide, just lost in Fresno County with the finding of its ROV.
    I guess they have just lost 654 electors to get qualified if they ever get to the status of a
    “Political Body”.

    The other big loser here is others in that October 11, 2014 cabal, like Dr. Don Grundmann and his mother
    the “Vice Chairperson” of the Constitution Party of California which is down now to 288 electors in California and only 6 in his home county.

    It looks like all five at that October 11, 2014 cabal in Fresno County have lost again. Hat’s off to
    the Fresno County ROV for dealing with the issues that took place within her county on October 11, 2014.

    Jim Riley, the ROV at Fresno County was following the lead of Imperial County’s ROV. Since Debra Bowen
    gave the o.k. for that practice. It also let’s these 654 electors vote a choice of crossover ballots,
    between Democratic, American Independent, and Libertarian. If they did the total same thing as “Imperial County” these electors would only get an AIP ballot because they are in a qualified political
    party. Therefore, Deemer, Odom’s mom, and Lussenheide are also big losers in “Imperial County”.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Chairman, American Independent Party of California

  5. Mark Seidenberg,

    Why do you have so much beef with the Independent and Constitution Parties?

  6. Looks like the American Independent Party lost over 100,000 registrations or about 25% or so of its registrants. A real blood letting. Im figuring most of them, due to a Presidential primary, finally having some type of meaning in California, forced them to examine their party registration more closely.

  7. I have no beef with the Constitution Party. Its their former members that have the beef. They lost over
    15.3 % between April 8 and May 23, 2016. They are now down to 288 electors in the whole state of
    California. They have only got to July 11, 2016 to get qualified for the November, 2016 election.

    As for the “Independent Party” the Federal Court in Sacramento ruled they do not have a form. Then on
    May 23, 2016, the ROV if Fresno County placed the “Independent” Party voters in the “Independent California Party”, viz., all 654 elector with the “Independent Party”. Therefore, Deemer, Lussenheide,
    and Gary Odom’s mom lost that number from the total even if they won the suit in the 9th circuit.

  8. Tom Hutton,

    The registration in the AIP is down, from April 8, 2016, but only 23,165 elector. We have not “lost over 100,000 registration or about 25%”, You are dealing with bad math. I expect the movement that did move were electors that wanted to be Republican to vote of Donald Trump or to the NPP so some of that number could help Bernie Sanders hurt Clinton in the California Democratic Primary.

    Sincerely, Mark Seidenberg, Chairman, American Independent Party.

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