IBD/TIPP Poll Has Johnson at 11% Nationally, Taking Equally From Trump and Clinton

An Investors Business Daily/TIPP national poll released Monday gives Libertarian Party presidential candidate Gary Johnson 11% against Clinton at 39% and Trump at 35%.

When Johnson is omitted from the poll choices, Clinton gets 45% and Trump gets 40%, once again going against conventional wisdom on who is hurt by Johnson being in the race.


IBD/TIPP Poll Has Johnson at 11% Nationally, Taking Equally From Trump and Clinton — 4 Comments

  1. How about when the Green Prez candidate is added to the polls ???

    Will C or T get even 35 percent of the popular votes ???

  2. With the Green Party holding their convention the week after the Democrats, a Stein/Sanders ticket is still a possibility.

  3. I think Gary Johnson will end up with about 2 or 3 percent when all the votes are counted. Stein will get about .5 or 1 percent. I’m probably going to vote for Stein. But if it helps Johnson miraculously get over 15 percent I don’t care if they omit Stein….and I’ll vote for Johnson if he gets into the debates.

  4. How many $$$ TRILLIONS will the Elephants give to the Greens to have Sanders be the Green VP or even Prez candidate

    — in order to DIVIDE and CONQUER the Donkeys. See Roman Republic/Empire military actions for about 1,000 years.

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