Plaintiffs File Brief in One of the Ongoing Presidential Debates Lawsuits

On June 8, the plaintiffs in Level the Playing Field v Federal Election Commission filed this brief. It argues that the FEC must consider new evidence that the Commission on Presidential Debates has so far not looked at. Some of that evidence relates to polling in the present-day era.

Also, the brief chides the FEC for apparently never having pursued an enforcement action against a debate sponsor, in its entire history. If the FEC has ever done that, the FEC briefs have not yet mentioned any such instance. Federal campaign law does not permit corporations to contribute to federal candidates or established political parties, and the Level the Playing Field plaintiffs argue that, in effect, the FEC is letting corporations contribute to the Republican and Democratic Parties, and their presidential campaigns, when corporations fund the Commission on Presidential Debates.


Plaintiffs File Brief in One of the Ongoing Presidential Debates Lawsuits — 1 Comment

  1. Potted Plant Court — must be a reference to the SCOTUS plants in human form ???

    The CPD is just one more OLIGARCHY machination by the oligarchs to give the illusion that ANY thing in the USA regime is *democratic* —

    when ALL parts of the USA regime are OLIGARCHY parts — i.e. the ANTI-Democracy minority rule gerrymander systems of the USA H. Reps, Senate, E.C. with their effects on appointing Fed judges — esp. SCOTUS hacks.

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