
Democratic National Platform Will Probably Oppose Gerrymandering — 8 Comments

  1. Policy on voting systems starts at the top since the top person is like a mouthpiece at the bully pulpit.

    The only voting system that will prevent the need for gerrymandering while protecting civil rights, integration, etc. is pure proportional representation.

    We at the 9th USA Parliament, and now the new International Parliament, have been setting the correct policy as true leaders on the matter and not the fake solutions being offered by the divisive pluralists since day one on August 6th 1997.

    Despite the horrible rhetorical attacts of the past, the bullies and userpers, the 9th USA Parliament has been using pure proportional representation for more than twenty-one years and it works fine:

    The new International Parliament is also a leader in voting policies:

    Nobody has it as good the United Coalition.

  2. Policy on voting systems starts at the top, since the top person is like a mouthpiece at the bully pulpit, and the bully pulpit sets the tone of the gathering.

    The only voting system that will prevent the need for gerrymandering while protecting civil rights, integration and equality in elections is pure proportional representation (PR).

    We at the 9th USA Parliament, and now the new International Parliament, have been setting the correct policy since day one on August 6th 1997 as true leaders on the matter. These aren’t the fake solutions being offered by the divisive pluralists, who offer cheep imitations or conflict to increase ad sales.

    Despite the horrible rhetorical attacts of the past, the bullies and userpers, the 9th USA Parliament has been using pure proportional representation (PR) for more than twenty-one years and it works fine:

    The new International Parliament is also a leader in voting policies:

    Nobody has it as good the United Coalition.

  3. The road leading to my home has been in bad need of repair for a few YEARS now, Chairman Ogle. Would you introduce a resolution to the 9th Parliament to fund its repaving?

    Thanks in advance.

  4. The Democratic Party opposing gerrymandering in their platform isn’t anything more than lip service. North Carolina’s districts were gerrymandered in favor of the Democrats for several decades, and the crazy looking district 12 that everyone pointed to as evidence of Republican gerrymandering looked almost exactly the same under previous plans created by the Democrats.

    The simple fact is, whichever party is in power will draw the districts as favorable as they can for themselves.

  5. Nonstop ANTI-Democracy minority rule pack/crack gerrymanders in the USA since 4 July 1776.

    The SCOTUS HACKS only raised the minority rule percentage from about 5-15 percent to about 25-30 percent in the 1964 gerrymander cases. BRAIN DEAD gerrymander cases since 1964.

    1/2 or less votes x 1/2 gerrymander districts = 1/4 or less CONTROL = Oligarchy — always producing monarchy — i.e. some top robot party hack gang leader(s).

    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

  6. Democrats love gerrymandering just as much as Republicans. Democrat-majority states usually have just as crazy congressional districts as Republican ones. Just look at the congressional map of Maryland. It’s gerrymandered into oblivion.

  7. The 1860 gerrymanders did their EVIL part in producing Civil WAR I in 1861-1865 —

    including the Free/Slave State admissions in 1789-1861 – i.e. the semi-permanent USA Senate gerrymander — connected with the 12th Amdt Prez/VP Electoral College gerrymander stuff.

    Deja Vu all over again in 2017 ???

    I.E. will Trump/Clinton control freak MONSTERS from Hell cause the USA to BLOW UP / FALL APART ??? Stay tuned.

  8. How to solve gerrymandering:

    Mixed-member proportional. Half the seats would be elected through statewide proportional representation, the other half through multi-member districts using single-transferable voting. Combine that with a simple bit of language in the constitutional amendment (or law – amendment would be preferred so the electoral process change is baked in) that simply states ALL congressional districts (for the single-transferable portion) must be drawn with straight lines in the shape of a rectangle. The only exception is that if one of the sides of the district intersects the border of the state then ONE side of the rectangle may be a non-straight line.

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