The publication of the International Socialist Organization, called Socialist Worker (not to be confused with the Socialist Workers Party) describes how the ISO helped Jill Stein get the needed signatures to get on the Vermont ballot.
The publication of the International Socialist Organization, called Socialist Worker (not to be confused with the Socialist Workers Party) describes how the ISO helped Jill Stein get the needed signatures to get on the Vermont ballot.
Many thanks for the help!
Awesome! Three cheers for the ISO!
How much cash from Russia, China, etc. is NOW in USA elections — ballot access, TV ads, etc. ???
Are you insinuating Russia and China are backing the Green Party?
Demo Rep – the International Socialist Organization is a Trotskyist group that represents the left wing of the Schachmanite tendency, very critical of Russia and China as bureaucratic dicatatorships.
The preferred candidate of Russia is clearly Donald Trump. Doubt they are putting cash into the Trump campaign, but Russian banks are funding Trump enterprises.
Demo Rep, you are clearly a few decades behind the times.
Responding to Demo Rep is never a wise idea.
Too bad the International “Socialist” Organization couldn’t help get Emidio “Mimi” Soltysik of the Socialist Party USA on the ballot in Vermont. After all he is running for President as a SOCIALIST, you know, like in he ISO’s name? Jill Stein, not so much.