Republican Candidate for Presidential Elector in Georgia Says, if Elected, He Probably Won’t Vote for Donald Trump

According to this story, one of the Republican candidates for presidential elector in Georgia says if he is elected to the electoral college, he probably won’t vote for Donald Trump. The story is somewhat naive to say that Georgia is one of 21 states that does not require presidential electors to vote for the nominee of the party that nominated them. Some of the other 29 states say that electors must vote for the presidential candidate they are pledged to, but those laws have no teeth. The only laws with binding effect are in North Carolina and Montana. Those states say a presidential elector who violates his or her pledge is deemed to have resigned, and to be replaced by the other electors from that state. But even those laws have no binding effect, if all the electors from such a state “disobey”. If they all violate their pledge, there would be no one to replace them.


Republican Candidate for Presidential Elector in Georgia Says, if Elected, He Probably Won’t Vote for Donald Trump — 8 Comments

  1. The language you mention sounds pretty close to what’s in Michigan’s MCL 168.47, just phrased differently:

    “. . . Refusal or failure to vote for the candidates for president and vice-president appearing on the Michigan ballot of the political party which nominated the elector constitutes a resignation from the office of elector, his vote shall not be recorded and the remaining electors shall forthwith fill the vacancy. . . .”

  2. 1860 Electoral College timebomb went off — about 750,000 DEAD Americans on both sides in 1861-1865.

    The EVIL rotted HACK monsters LOVE minority rule gerrymanders — one of which is the EVIL Electoral College.

    ABOLISH the E.C. / 12th Amdt N-O-W.

    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

  3. If Hillary steals the election with the complicity of the GOP establishment, including the possibility as described in this article, the Republican Party is toast. It breaks apart and we have 20 years of socialist paradise and then our county becomes Venezuela, except Texas secedes and becomes the shining city on the hill.

  4. LOTS of time before Nov to have even more rigging of the E.C. —

    i.e. esp in the so-called marginal battleground States controlled by Elephant gerrymander HACKS —
    i.e. 1 E.C. vote per rigged gerrymander USA Rep district (as in ME and NE).

    Result guaranteed –about 25-30 percent MINORITY RULE —
    1/2 or less votes x 1/2 rigged gerrymander areas = 1/4 or less CONTROL.

    i.e. Popular votes – Trump gets elected via the E.C. with about 35 percent, Clinton loses with about 40 percent, LP – Greens -others lose with about 25 percent.

    See the 1860 results — and Civil W-A-R.

  5. The Electoral College was one of the Founding Fathers best ideas. The individual members should vote for whomever they want for President. Regardless of how the people of their own State voted.

    The vast majority of the great unwashed masses should be prohibited from voting. The problem of republican democracy is that too many people vote. I would restrict voting to just property owners and military veterans.

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