CNN Will Hold Town Hall for Jill Stein

CNN has held two Town Hall shows featuring the Libertarian Party national ticket. On August 3, CNN said it will also hold one for the Green Party ticket, on August 17.


CNN Will Hold Town Hall for Jill Stein — 5 Comments

  1. The article says Stein’s announced running mate Ajamu Baraka will also be there. And it says Johnson and Weld “will also participate in a CNN-hosted town hall” — future tense in original — so I guess they’re going to get a third one.

  2. Even one Establishment media Town Hall for a Green Party candidate is a huge accomplishment in this country; it shows they can’t ignore us anymore.

  3. If the Greens-LP get 20 plus percent of the votes, then so what ???

    The ENTIRE election system is ANTI-Democracy and totally corrupt —

    due to minority rule gerrymanders —

    Congress, Electoral College, ALL State legislatures, many local legislative bodies.

    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

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