Better for America Petition for Party Status in New Mexico Lacks Sufficient Valid Signatures

Better for America, the group of anti-Trump conservatives, had filed a petition to be a qualified party in New Mexico, but the Secretary of State determined that it did not have enough signatures. It needed 2,565 valid signatures and was approximately 140 signatures short. The group tried to show that it really did have enough valid signatures, but did not do so.

The only other state in which Better for America submitted a party petition was in Arkansas. That petition is still being checked.


Better for America Petition for Party Status in New Mexico Lacks Sufficient Valid Signatures — 16 Comments

  1. Groups like this depress me. They spend millions of dollars on research and they talk tough. But ultimately all they demonstrate is that they can bilk people out of money that would be better spent doing any number of things.

  2. There is still time. They could still find a candidate before the end of the month.

  3. Most of the ballot access deadlines will have passed by the end of August, and the few that remain will end on September 9th. It is now too late to get on the ballot in most of the country.

  4. How come both the EVIL Donkeys and Elephants are NOT spending TRILLIONS to get bogus groups on the ballots in order to —

    DIVIDE and CONQUER in the EVIL and VICIOUS ANTI-Democracy minority rule gerrymander Electoral College ???

    Will Clinton or Trump get even 20 (repeat 20) percent of the total votes in the about 30 gerrymander States/DC to get the rotted 270 of 538 ECV ???

    The USELESS brain dead media MORONS are too evil STUPID to detect the rotted E.C. math.

    P.R. and nonpartisan App.V.

  5. No, there is not still time. There wasn’t time a week ago. They have missed the deadlines in a ton of states around the country. They missed in states with relatively low requirements, which makes me question whether they were serious to begin with.

  6. Any candidate or organization that is so disorganized as to wait until the last minute to begin ballot access efforts just proves their lack of leadership and lack of qualification for the office in the first place.

  7. We still have time until the end of the month. Plus, in almost all of the states there’s still the write-in option. Plus, other parties, Reform, Constitution, IAP, AP, ect. may want to change nominees in return for getting a higher vote in November.

  8. Most of the ballot access deadlines have passed. You could do write in status, but a few states will not accept them, or will only count them if you jump through hoops, and write in candidates usually do not accomplish much. I doubt that any of those parties will want to change their nominees, and it may be too late to do that in some states anyway.

  9. Waste of time… As Leonardo said this years American Elect although i must admit American Elect did far greater on getting on ballot

  10. Americans Elect was totally different. They accomplished the difficult task of getting on the ballot in all the states. I was actually slated to be one of their electors in Michigan. They (disappointingly) decided not to place a candidate on the ballot when they did not attract a strong enough candidate. The biggest name seeking the nomination was former Gov. Buddy Roemer. I wish they had just put him on the ballot to continue the group for the future.

    Better for America was all talk, no action. They have not achieved ballot access in most states, even states with relatively low requirements. Comparing the two is really a disservice to Americans Elect.

  11. What I meant by my comment was that both organizations were putting time and effort and had nothing to show for it. Better for America because they have no ballot access and don’t yet have a candidate, and Americans Elect because they didn’t choose a candidate and horribly wasted their blood, sweat and tears on getting ballot access.

  12. Americans Elect did not achieve ballot access in all 15 plus DC. They had about 15 left before they pulled the plug.

  13. Although Americans Elect didn’t achieve ballot access in all the states, I don’t think they had missed any ballot deadlines before they pulled the plug in May 2012.

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