Gary Johnson is Only Presidential Candidate to Submit Petition in District of Columbia

The District of Columbia filing deadline for petitions for independent candidates, and the nominees of unqualified parties, is August 10. The only presidential petition submitted is for Gary Johnson. Here is the list of candidates for the November election. The petition has not been checked yet. Even though the list says “independent” for Johnson, his ballot label will be “Libertarian.”

The only ballot-qualified parties in D.C. are Democratic, Green, and Republican.


Gary Johnson is Only Presidential Candidate to Submit Petition in District of Columbia — 6 Comments

  1. The website for the National LP shows they are officially on the ballot in 39 states. Based on everything I’ve read, here is what seems to be status for the remaining 11 (plus DC)

    Alabama — deadline not yet reached
    Connecticut — petitions submitted, awaiting word
    DC — petitions submitted, awaiting word
    Kentucky — deadline not yet reached
    Iowa — deadline not yet reached
    Minnesota — deadline not yet reached
    New Hampshire — petitions submitted, awaiting word
    New York — petitions submitted, awaiting word
    Ohio — petitions submitted, awaiting word
    Pennsylvania — petitions submitted, awaiting word
    Rhode Island — petitions submitted, awaiting word
    Virginia — deadline not yet passed. According to a Facebook post, a partial set of petitions have been submitted

  2. In my opinion, Gary Johnson is on the New York ballot now. I know general objections to his New York petitions were filed, but specific objections have not been filed, and probably won’t be. In any event, in challenge states such as New York, technically candidates are on as soon as they file, with a possibility that they could theoretically be subtracted later. But if nothing happens the status quo is “on.”

  3. The same could be said for Pennsylvania, couldn’t it? Or is it different in PA because they used a placeholder name and have to go through the procedure to swap it out.

    By the way, the Wikipaedia article on the 2016 Presidential Election credits Johnson with both NY and PA ballot access.

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