North Carolina Republican Party Executive Director Fights to Eliminate Early Voting on Sundays

Dallas Woodhouse, executive director of the North Carolina Republican Party, recently e-mailed Republican members of county election boards, and urged them to eliminate early voting on Sundays. The state recently lost a lawsuit over early voting in general. The Fourth Circuit opinion ordered the state to reinstate the generous early voting period, and the state is trying to persuade the U.S. Supreme Court to reverse that. But even if the U.S. Supreme Court declines to reverse the Fourth Circuit, county boards are still free to eliminate Sunday early voting if they wish.

However, data has shown that early voting on Sunday is disproportionately used by African American voters. Churches frequently organize car pools for early voting, following church service. The publicity about Woodhouse’s e-mail, trying to stop Sunday early voting, will harm the state’s chances of persuading the U.S. Supreme Court to reverse the Fourth Circuit. The Fourth Circuit had found that Republicans in the North Carolina legislature changed many voting laws in 2013 in order to injure African Americans, and the recent e-mail from Woodhouse only appears to bolster that conclusion. See this story. Thanks to Rick Hasen for the link. UPDATE: the U.S. Supreme Court case is North Carolina v North Carolina State Conference of the NAACP, 16A168. Chief Justice John Roberts has asked the NAACP to file a response by August 25 at 4 p.m.


North Carolina Republican Party Executive Director Fights to Eliminate Early Voting on Sundays — 3 Comments

  1. ALL paper mail ballots.

    Oregon continues to survive with apmb – with more or less corruption than in other States ???

  2. The law that was passed by the Republican controlled legislature, before it was overturned in court, required the exact same amount of early voting hours as there had been in previous years, albeit within fewer days. It therefore required early voting sites to be open for longer hours and/or adding more early voting sites. (This provision in the law was actually offered as an amendment by the Democratic opponents of the bill.) Now that the law has been overturned, both the Republican and Democratic parties in NC are lobbying election boards for early voting changes that would be more beneficial for them in the election cycle; while Woodhouse sent out an email directly to Republican board members, the Democrats emailed supporters, encouraging them to contact their local board members directly to push their agenda.

    I don’t think it would be as big a deal, though, if the court hadn’t also reinstated same-day registration.

  3. The emails by the robot party HACKS are only very slightly different than the nazi death camp orders/commands given verbally during 1933-1945 ???

    How many books will be written about Civil WAR II ???

    — which obviously started on Election Day 2008 or even 2000 (Bush v. Gore).

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