The Tennessee petition deadline for independent presidential candidates is August 18. The Secretary of State has already determined that the Evan McMullin petition did not have enough signatures. See this story. Thanks to Bradley for the link.
The Tennessee petition deadline for independent presidential candidates is August 18. The Secretary of State has already determined that the Evan McMullin petition did not have enough signatures. See this story. Thanks to Bradley for the link.
OMG! Worst independent presidential candidate ever!
McMullin’s campaign is a joke. He has over 60,000 volunteers signed up yet his team knows nothing about what they need to do.
Gary Johnson is da man.
His Twitter page is asking for petitioning volunteers in Minnesota and Virginia. If you can’t get 275 signatures in Tennessee, how do you expect to get 2000 in Minnesota (due tomorrow) and 5000 in Virginia (due Friday).
Speaking of Johnson (who was mentioned above, the LP national website is reporting that Johnson is now officially on the ballot in PA and the District of Columbia. The PA signatures were in some time ago, and the challenge period also passed a while back, but I guess they were waiting for the substitution paperwork to be official. Here is a link to the page on the PA SOS website showing him as an official candidate.
I think the whole Never Trump/Better For America thing is completely falling apart since Trump’s campaign has collapsed.
I’ve seen reports McCullin is having a hard time raising money.
I think if they had wrangled in McCullin four or five months ago they could have raised serious money.
Wow, must have had some pretty lame petition circulators gathering the signatures.
Several years back myself and other petition circulator went to Tennessee and did a last minute petition drive for two independent candidates for President and we qualified both of them.
It almost seems like Better for America and McMullin were expecting petitioning to be a cakewalk requiring little effort. Who knows, maybe they’ll come out of this with more sympathy towards what we Greens and Libertarians have to go through every two years.
Joshua H.: Possibly so — and I hope so. Of course, maybe Greens and Libertarians will do well enough this year that we won’t have to go through the petition gauntlet next time. (But if so, we still need to keep sympathy for and solidarity with other alternative parties who don’t make it.)
There is no chance that Libertarians and Greens will not have to go through a petition gauntlet again. Heck, there are some states where even the D’s and R’s had to gather petition signatures to put their presidential candidates in the primaries.
Hey, Tennessee here, cut us some slack! Evan McMullin hadn’t even chosen a running mate yet before the deadline for ballot access in Tennessee had passed. He can still be a write-in candidate though. There was no petition to even circulate. So, we went next door to Virginia last week. How did that work out, huh, HUH?
He did get 5000 in Virginia as a matter of fact he received over 9000+ signatures! He has to pick his states wisely and pool his resources.