Pennsylvania Minor Parties Appeal U.S. District Court Order that Imposed County Distribution Requirement for Some Statewide Offices

On July 29, the Pennsylvania minor parties that had won a U.S. District Court order on June 30, 2016, lowering the number of signatures for statewide petitions, filed a notice of appeal to the Third Circuit. The only issue for the appeal is that the U.S. District Court order had invented a county distribution requirement for state office, for minor party and independent candidate statewide petitions. The parties’ brief is due September 26.

County distribution requirements for statewide general election candidates have completely ceased to exist in the United States, so it was odd that the U.S. District Court had included such requirements in his otherwise good court order of June 30. There are twenty court decisions striking down county distribution requirements for statewide petitions of all types. They are based on the principle that, because counties are unequal in population, county distribution requirements give more power to rural areas than urban areas. The Third Circuit case number is 16-3266. The plaintiffs include the Constitution, Green, and Libertarian Parties.

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